(a famous Latin sentence spoken by Julius Caesar in 47 BC)
The quote is an old favorite and is well suited as a description for the events of last night’s Kara Clean Up Run. We rocked! I main tanked all the hard stuff, Prince, Nether, Night etc. It was my first time and I didn't let anyone down! I'm psyched.
I even ended up pulling in some decent cat gear for a change. About all I need now are my boots and my T4 hat and I can easily pug Gruuls or Mags. Honestly, I had my doubts about last night. I even voiced them in officer chat early just to let people know I didn’t want to put the raid at risk.
But my worries were groundless. As main tank I felt I gave an excellent performance. Not flawless, but still exceptional for one who’s never been MT on a raid. And yea, I’m done tooting my own horn now. I have some things to work on as well. One of the issues I have is getting the pulls confused between my raids. My hunter’s raid leader does things a bit differently and I’ve run more with them, so every once in a while I’ll do something other than what my group expects - last night I caused a wipe doing so – ouch. (Sorry all).
But learning is learning and the wipe was on trash, not a boss. So thanks for putting up with my learning curve guys n gals.
[Edit: Actually I was reminded that I caused 2 wipes and one was on Nightbane. I ended up moving and calling the raid to me during the rain of bones (something my hunter's raid does to mitigate damage to the clothies) it was messy and I apologized, but we picked it up next run through]
I know a lot of people who keep blogs tend to describe certain fights or different tactics. I tend not to do this simply because I’m not anything special in this game. My perspective is that if I can’t add to the common knowledge, why write about it?
So many of you have done Kara and are far beyond it now that my blogging about my tactics doesn’t seem particularly helpful (since there is a lot of material about the experiences from more seasoned players than myself). However, should anyone wish it, I have in my head the basic outline of a series of blogs on how to take on certain instances or bosses – from the perspective of both a tank, and ranged DPS hunter.
Respond in the comments section if there’s anyone who’d find value in this – otherwise I’ll keep my thoughts to myself.
Jan 29, 2008
Veni, vidi, vici
10:03 AM
Posted by
Shawn Neudauer
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My guild is just starting Kara. Well, we're attempting, as we don't have quite enough members to field a full 10-man. (Had lots of fun wiping out (on) spiders & undead horses long enough to get our Violet Signets, though).
So while it may be old hat to lots of folks, it's still interesting to me.
Very cool Moss! Actually, I've never done the animal bosses there. All the raids I've ever been on skipped em entirely. Although I do know that they are meant for new raids as sort of a gearing up thing for later bosses. I'd be happy to post my perspectives on how the boss fights go for me.
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