Jan 25, 2008

Soo close now

Os is finally within striking distance today. He’s a hair shy of 57 and has the whole of Silithius and Winterspring open to him. Fire spec rocks in snowbound regions – I totally love it.

The emo over at my bear’s guild is threatening to blow the roof off. I think we may be in for a house cleaning (or wrecking) tonight. I’m due to hit the server for our weekly KZ raid by 4:30 and I can anticipate that it ain’t gonna be pretty.

Last night our former MT buzzed me – we’re actually becoming good friends – to say that the raid leader over there was pulling the harassment routine on her for leaving our disintegrating guild. She had even offered to continue on as MT until we found one to replace her.

Bear in mind now that this raid leader left the guild and expected to still be the raid leader – friend of a friend of the GL sorta thing. And yeah, I cringed the first time I heard that too but by then the guild was dying so I said nothing.

Anyway, Mr. I'm20andGirlTanksEmasculateMe called her a liar, a cheat and a few other worse things (she told me what he said - blech, guys shouldn't talk to girls that way). When I logged in on my bear I had several notes from the guild’s officers waiting for me – I’m not sure what they hope to accomplish but they wanna talk tonight. I have to say that my recommendation tonight will be to call this raid and disband the guild. Rarely have I seen such venom in a game.

The notes were mostly asking me to step in, or get into a convo with them – I have enough stress at work, if it weren’t so sad I’d be laughing at the incompetence I’ve seen on display here. At the very least I'm not raiding with this kid anymore - his obnoxious, childish narcissism has all but ruined the experience for me. If we run with him tonight I'll have to go along one last time. The demands of honor require nothing less than a full effort - but I'll let them know I'm not coming back - for unspecified reasons - there's almost no point in even trying to discuss this - it's a hole without a bottom.

Oh, one final note for you soap opera hounds – I noticed today in my morning perusal of the WoW forums, all but one of the officers has an ad up on the realm forums looking for a new group/raid. – most of them posted 2-3 weeks ago….

Gosh, I sure hate burning bridges but there seems to be a serious double standard here.

On the good side I am working my pally again. I’m taking a serious look at bringing him up to 58 when I finally run outta rested on my mage. At the very least I can get some decent work done in alchemy.

I’ll let ya know how the emo goes, it should be good for a cringe or mebbe a laugh or three.

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