I mentioned in my last post that I had transferred my lvl 70 bear tank alt to a new raid guild, run by old school raiders. Everything else I own including my main officer/hunter is in a casual, friends ‘n family guild – one I still think of as home.
Now I firmly believe we all go through something called buyer’s remorse whenever we make a big change or spend a LOT of cash. Like when you buy a car or a house. There’s always a period when you think to yourself in the small wee hours of the night, ‘omgwhatdidIdo!’
That’s natural. At least I think it is. And I’m having those … okay – let’s make this perfectly clear … I don’t have “feelings,” (blech). But I’d say I’ve been thinking about that lately.
The guild I joined was formed from pre-burning crusade raiders – the people who spent 100 hours a week on the game, those who had no lives but BWL and Naxx. I can relate but I do have a life outside WoW. (I do so have a life outside this game and all you people who know me, SHUT IT!).
I sorta know what those ‘omg’ ppl go through ‘cause I think that about the new guild. I'm not unhappy, but I'd say the shine came off that gold coin within the first week. They have some great people, fun to talk to, access to vent (so much nicer than in-game chat), will have a very nice web page for resources and scheduling etc. I said just a moment ago it's stocked with old school raiders, which is true, but I probably should have said old middle-school or maybe old high-school in relation to my idea of "old school."
Now that's no dig on them, it really isn't - young they may be (I think the avg age is 20-22) they aren't noobs. But I'm over 40 and one of the sad facts of older GenX'ers who game is ... we have to get used to playing with ppl who could be our kids – no lie bud. I have a buddy who hits Halo3 hard every weekend – he’s 53 and does IT troubleshooting for stratosphere execs at one of the largest insurance companies in the world.
What's that mean the GenX compatibility thing? Meh, it means I see in them things I've been through already. The over anxiousness, the awkwardness of youth, the overzealousness of new relationships, the overstating the virtues of a game or car or brand of pizza - all the rambunctious BS of youth. It's not unpleastant, it's just ... old news ... to me anyway.
But all in all, they are cool. And even though they aren't noobs, they are wet behind the ears in lots of other ways - and that to me is almost as much fun as the game itself. That probably sounds odd but the way I see it is this, I came into this group as "the noob" at least to their thinking. And as far as the game goes, they know more than me .. but life is a game worth playing too and my progession through that game exceeds theirs.
So while I'm listening to the saga of my 20-something raid leader's hour-long gush to a recent 5-man guild group about how beautiful, warm, sensitive and good smelling his new 18-year-old beau is, all that went through my head in no particular order was – Daayuum!; gratz on hittin that!; Ugh, PLEASE STOP TALKING!; make sure you get her HIV test results; get her to sign the pre-nup; and while you're at it, get a gander at her mom 'cause you know that'll be her in 10 years....
Jan 16, 2008
Bear's (buyer's) remorse
1:24 PM
Posted by
Shawn Neudauer
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