Jan 31, 2008

KZ Minimums (by talent tree)

I had a difficult time getting this information when I first I went looking for it. What I needed was a general set of guidelines as to what constituted "entry level" requirements for the end-game level 70 raids. Well, I still haven't found one for the 25-mans but I mentioned previously that TTH had a nice little table for Karazhan.

The only problem is I can't link you directly to it. Also, I didn't think it was as accurate as it could have been so I've updated it. I also added a line for survival spec'd hunters since there wasn't one in the original, however I don't know the spec that well so anyone who does please feel free to comment and I'll change it.


Anonymous said...

Interestingly there's no DPS Feral on there... Any thoughts as to what those would be?

Shawn Neudauer said...

You make an interesting point, and to fully answer it I’m going to reply with a formal post – since I’ve seen this question a few times.