I had a post called Theater 101 up here a bit ago and I’ve decided to pull it – I think I am letting the guild emo affect me too much so I’ll pull it for now and see how I feel about it in a day or three.
Suffice it to say that guild emo raised its ugly head last night and it’s the first time I’ve had to deal with it since joining WoW – remember I’m a noob and I have been a lucky one at that.
The end result of all the emo is that a couple of people left – one gquit without notice and later, one of the guild officers told me we might fold. Dumbfounded all I could do was frame a request that the officers immediately begin discussing this so they can come up with a unified announcement for the guild’s general members. I mean – we’ve been recruiting for a while now and some of these new 70s are well geared and came based on the rep of some of our leadership – if we’re folding common courtesy would demand an immediate response.
It seems only fair they get the skinny on what’s happening. As for me, I was promoted to officer last night – somewhat unannounced (and unknown to me – I found out when I noticed I could see officer chat) and sort of at a bad time. I got clued into a conversation I’d rather have skipped. I don’t think the people discussing realized I was seeing their stuff either – I logged to save face and feelings just in case.
Guild emo is a shame. While these folks have some great qualities, they are of an age, and that age is slightly under experienced when it comes to handling delicate social situations I think. Not that they can’t get along or that they are in any way poorly adapted to work through them, I think it has more to do with experience at learning how to handle themselves and others in such situations. That’s not an easy thing to learn, in fact I’m not all that great at it either, but I’ve had some exp with this and I know what I’m seeing when it happens. I also know a few ways to get around it. The one thing I never learned was how to address these without sounding like my grandmother or a gruff old platoon sergeant - neither of which would work in such cases.
In fact, I’d rather just be a solider. I was a sergeant for many years and I never made it higher than leading a group of about 20 or 30 people. And all I was ever responsible for was their care and well being, making them get to places on time, with food and water and the necessaries. I was never a logistics planner and I never wanted to be the guy who wrote the orders, I’d rather be on the team that carries them out.
It may very well be that I’ll be forced into moving again. It sorta sounds like several of the guild’s officers are considering leaving for better, more established guilds – if that happens I’ll land on my paws, but it would sure have been nice to know that last week.
Jan 18, 2008
Theater 101 (redux)
12:48 PM
Posted by
Shawn Neudauer
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1 comment:
I went through various guilds, even had my own at a time and I can tell you: Once you find *your* guild, you'll know. A guild with drama isn't a bad guild per se, but it won't last very long. I have the luck to be in a guild where drama is pretty non-existant, so we survived for over about 1.5 years now and still happy together. There is a difference between my guild and others though: We don't have orders, we have tactics.
Good luck with your blog, I will be reading it ^^.
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