Dec 21, 2007

Some days you get the bear

And some days the bear gets you ....

Yesterday's Kara run was my 'bear' and it got me good. We ran with our reg group (my hunter's raid) last night due to holiday scheds. - not a great night for drops - same tier 4 dropping over and over and over.

Tired raiders make for tough runs. I'm confident that we can get nightbane with our reg raid, we had to PuG a couple ppl in but they did okay. We even picked up another hunter - I think he had a PvP spec, it was evenly split between MM and Surv - but he didn't have Exposed Weakness or even the good shots from MM - sorta made me wonder what was up with that. i thought I knew the basics for hunters - shot rotations, specs etc - that was one I hadn't seen. I won't discount it 'til I can check armory.

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