I play on a west coast server - i.e. pacific time zone. I live in Minnesota so it isn't always a bad thing but there are times when I think long and hard about changing.
See, most of my wow friends, with the exception of those I personally know, live somewhere in the PDT/PST time zone. They range from British Columbia to Central Kalif. (yes, the K is intentional).
I have a few friends in Colo and a few more in Mo, Minn, NY and even soem from Austrailia, but for the most part our playing group is west coast. I had such an itch to play another server that I rolled a DK, leveled it to 80, geared it out to start off in like naxx 10/25 and I even went so far as to find a guild on a central time zone server. I had to log my mains on my home server to prove I knew raiding tho.. call that a little strange eh?
The old saying goes, "The grass is always greener ..." but trust me - it AIN'T. Wow what a mess. I'm in what I think of as crappy gear and I'm doing mediocre dmg in any given raid but also finding I'm clear and away the highest dps. But most of the ones I can get into (apparently DK hatred goes far and wide) couldn't clear their way out of a wet paper sack. I found myself teaching basics to noobs. Not such a bad thing but when every single person you run into has very little idea of how the game it played it wears on ya.
Add to that the economy was totally screwy. People were charging 100g for epic gems and 90g for blues. Fish feasts were selling 300g a stack and PEOPLE WERE PAYING THAT! Wow. I made a ton of money off incredibly stupid people - saronite ore alone selling for 100g a stack for example. But even that wasn't enough to convince me my real home wasn't better.
I'm sure there's good players there, I'm sure there are great raiding guilds, but I spent 3 months looking and couldn't find one. I once got yelled at in a 5man heroic UK. Me, another dk in better gear and some casters and a well geared pally tank were all doing fine. The last boss comes up and the leather belt drops. It's nothing special but was a clear upgrade over my green. Pally passes, casters pass, I roll need, DK waits like 2 mins - I'm thinking he's considering it though why I don't know - he had okay plate. I win, put it on, say thanks for the run all but I gotta get dinner goin and start for the door. Fair enough ya? Apparently no. DK starts whispering me - Yer a ninja! yer a ninja! Goes on in trade chat - calling me a ninja. So I can either ignore or fight. I'm new - bad rep not a good thing when yer far from home and friends. I took the high road - wrote out I'm using the item - you're using XYZ, I rolled BEFORE you - please tell me how this constitutes stealing?
Then to top it off - I get whispers from my guild officers. You shouldn't ninja - you're on probation. This after I'd spent a ton of time helping - farming - showing newer ppl tricks - generally being a good guy etc. Would they hear me out? nope - didn't wanna hear it. Didn't seem to worry bout anything but the label. I was a little steamed but I held my tongue. Mom always says count 10 right?
I think it was a day or so later I gave my bankroll mats, my money and my boe's to a lvl 10. Said to the guild officers sorry guys but that's just plain wrong and if you can't recognize that there are decent people and there are also QQr's then I don't want any part of your world - adios. log out, Delete character.
A few days later I get an email from the guild leader - nice words nothing of substance. He mentioned he noticed my char was gone and asked if I'd transferred it back to my home server - I think they expected this.
I said no - go armory my name - I deleted it. Besides, I have a DK on that server and it is better geared than the one I deleted. I even mentioned that if he could recall 6 weeks earlier I showed him my DK as part of my "proof test." I added that I was looking for a new possible home - someplace that fit my schedule better. Turns out the headache was bigger than I thought and the effort isn't worth the pain.
Oct 27, 2009
The grass is not greener
1:20 PM
Posted by
Shawn Neudauer
Oct 21, 2009
A year later...
It's been a year since I posted last.. wonder why
Well, not that I really expect many people to read this, but I've begun dabbling in this blog space again. I don't know why I lost interest in the first place but I still seem to be a bit apathetic over the idea of blogging, I guess my Minnesota upbringing still tells me it sounds like whining - too emo. But I'll give this another shot and we'll see if it takes off.
I'm probably going to go through and clean out some of the older posts - who cares about how to do Kara bosses anymore right? Like, if you can't go in there and 2man most things then do yourself a favor and turn off your computer and go sell your game back to Blizzard.
I'll take this renewed post to describe the flavor of Wotlk and my experience in it to date. I love Northrend, loved the quests so much I leveled 10 alts. Yes you did in fact read that correctly. I have 8 80s and 2 at 75-76 which could be 80 in a matter of days if I didn't bother to raid or do dailies - or... that stupid Hallow's End thing. (Why did blizz have to make it 20 masks???)
No. I didn't do them last year - pfft who knew you'd have to do these all for a new mount?
Back to my story.
In terms of the expansion, I liked pretty much everything I saw. DK's were fun to play, quests were fun, instances were vibrant and I had a great time. But I have to admit - once I'd played all the quests a few times and had done all the instances I got a little bored. My server is super full, so it is sometimes a pain to get anything done, instances are full etc. Not bad when needing a group but terribad when looking to run instances and you cant due to server instability or whatnot.
So now my focus is my druid once again. My perennial favorite, my muse. I'd worked the DK and shaman, hunter, lock, rogue (gotta love a good rogue) working on warrior (MAN arms is fun!) and mage. The mage is an accident, I have this friend Rachel who's new to wow. Not in terms of newly bought but she doesnt often play and isn't a hardcore idiot like me so I'm leveling a mage along with her so she doesn't have to wander the landscape wondering what to do next.
I can't go as often as she'd probably like but we get in 2-3 nights a week - probably good for most ppl right?
What will I do with all these? probably not a lot. I'm really cutting down my interest in other characters at the moment simply because it's too much even for someone who's got a lot of time. My pally is well geared for what I can get into short of the new craftables so that's in reserve for now. But sheesh - how many paladins are there these days? Seems like everyone has one. Same goes for druids too - I saw a literal forest the last time I went to a 25.
Bears now... you see em - sometimes they are okay - rarely are they great. There's the rub though. It's hard to be good if you're not in 25s. So much seems to depend on gear and with the reduction of itemization you're fighting for gear with everyone who can wear leathers. Our little guild only does 10mans. As one of our newest officers so clearly pointed out recently - we just don't have what it takes to field our own 25 - we've tried - many many times - but we suck balls at it. Why? well a combination of things really but to be nice let's just say we have all the coodination of a dysfunctional family.
So we stick to 10s to keep stress levels low. And the 25s we've been pugging into are - uhm.. how to say this - they
Every 25 progression raid was more interested in gearing their own guild first - in some cases understandable but think about this for a minute. If you don't allow regulars who aren't in your guild to get gear, what incentive do they have to remain? That was more or less my problem. I went to an uld 25 ToC 25 for 3 months and got like 2 pieces of offset gear and had to buy a boe tank ring from the raid leader for 1000g. Apparently that bugged someone in their guild after I did that the first time so that only happened the one time.
Then they didn't like everyone from my guild who were regulars and did their raids (we had 7 ppl in Absolution running with them) - they only liked 3 ppl really well. We started doing 10mans with them as well - nice easy runs that everyone loved and we cleared quickly. About that time the 25man raid leader decided it looked a bit tooooo easy and further decided that their own guildies could benefit from the gear we helped the few doing the 10s with us get... so they booted everyone who wasn't in their guild from the 10s.... sound emo? It is.
NOTE: this sort of thing is partially why I quit blogging a year ago. The attitudes are the same all over - if you have gear you can come if you don't you're on yer own. I'm tired of this sort of nonsense. I pug everything now - if I suck too bad replace me - I don't tho :) But it's hard to stand out when all you do is 10mans.
Now.. I'm not interested at all in helping other guilds. I have my own and its really centralized/localized - i think blizzard wants this - the whole guild achieves etc coming in the new expansion - I mean why announce that now if you aren't going to drive people to that?
So today, we do 10s, we fart around and piss off only our own people and we have fun. I'll have to be contented that wow has changed so much that I'm never going to be as good or as well geared as I was in BC - but it's only a game.
Right? I mean ... it IS only a game ... RIGHT? C'MON! WHY WON'T YOU ANSWER ME?!!
Anyway this is getting too long as it is.
11:58 AM
Posted by
Shawn Neudauer